- Next Generation Capital
Financing Hightech for a Sustainable Future
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- Next Generation Capital
The Future of startup funding
The Future of Startup Funding
Sign Up for the Open Master Class
If you want to actively participate in this use case, we welcome your attendance. In three Masterclass sessions we will dive into the details and work through all technicalities using the wisdom of the 2Tokens community.
Financing sustainability and solving challenging macroeconomic problems usually involves financing new technology and new ventures. Financing new technology and new ventures often do not fit within the mandate of institutional and professional investors due to a mismatch in risk profile (unproven technology), deal size (too small) in contrast to the relatively high administrative burden, too few high-quality investment opportunities (diversification) and the fact that the pool of investors is somewhat disorganized. As a result, after validation of the business models, startups often find themselves in a critical valley of death where little or no funding is available.
To promote and accelerate sustainable financing, The 2Tokens Usecase Next Generation Capital has developed the Vertical® structure as a proof-of-concept for a new, efficient financing structure for early-stage ventures in which the use of tokens makes it possible to set up financing on a larger scale and cost more efficiently and making an investment accessible to a greater diversity of investors.Hightech Venture Verticals® are here
Investments 2.0
To tackle social challenges by creating a new way of investing (Vertical® funding)
Early Stage
We offer Investors a unique chance to get on board in a very early stage
Great ideas
Which makes it possible to give a stage to great ideas and inventions that need to be heard
Bright future
This will make all of our futures brighter
Future Unicorns
This will help these future unicorns thrive
Better World
Help them do what these unicorns do best: make this world a better place
Vertical® funding
A new way of funding. Founded by the partners of 2Tokens.
A Vertical® is a new way of investing in a theme based basket of ventures, offered as one bundled investment proposition and subsequently listed as separate security tokens on a regulated secondary market, using standardised documentation, standardised issuing practices and complying to a standardised framework of investor requirements.
- Sign up for our MasterclassesWe organise seminars about important topics about Next Generation Capital, attendees have the possibility to ask questions about all the topics.
Masterclass 5
How do you invest in the highest quality high tech ventures and guide them to a good exit and what it means to be funded as a Next Generation Capital Venture
Thursday, September 24th
The program managers are important stakeholders in the Vertical® programmes. The program manager is providing expertise and services as a venture builder and/or accelerator by selecting, coaching and monitoring ventures to develop and/or accelerate (initial) business ideas into successful ventures. For each Vertical®, the Program manager is responsible for and will take care of providing for a clear definition of assets the Vertical® consists of in terms of the theme, technology, industry category and segment of industry the relevant ventures share. In this webinar the following topics will be addressed: Program management, selection, acceleration and monitoring of ventures.
- Watch our previous webinar and masterclasses
Introduction to Next Generation Capital
Disruption of a hightech investment model for a sustainable future
Thursday, July 23rd
Experts in sustainability, emerging technology, and capital markets discus the future of venture funding models. Guests John Bell (CEO HighTechXL) and Jan Geert van Hall (Investment director YES!Delft) will give insight into the challenges and opportunities of future hightech development. At the same time, the Vertical® funding model how it can disrupt our existing hightech investment model by allowing investors to invest in multiple startups simultaneously is introduced by Marleen Evertsz (CEO Nxchange) and Alex Bausch (Next Generation Capital).
Masterclass 1
How to be innovative in the capital markets and benefit from our Regulatory framework. Insight in applying economics in a way that has never been done before
Thursday, August 13th
The regulation & token economics webinar is about how to be innovative in the capital markets and the benefits from our European regulatory framework. Important topics are: security tokens, securities regulation, trading security tokens, smart contracts and the added value of blockchain technology. You will gain the insides in applying economics in the way that has never been done before.
Masterclass 2
Legal & Security Token Offering
Breaking the status quo of a legal framework to benefit all stakeholders
Thursday, Augustus 20th
In the next masterclass on August 20th, Alex Bausch (2Tokens), Quintus Willemse (The Share Council), Jack Berk (Berk Lawyers), Dan Liebau (Founder Lightbulb Capital & FinTech lecturer at RSM) and Marleen Evertsz (Nx'change) will be discussing the ingenious unconventional "Legal Framework" of the Verticals®. Together with Phd masters in the field we engineered a framework to give the startups a stable structure, assure investor protection and program manager influence at the same time. See what benefit you can have from this new way of venture building and capitalise on the combined knowledge.
Masterclass 3
Investor readiness
Giving a groundbreaking solution to fulfill the investor mandate of tomorrow and how to leverage venture debt in a disruptive format.
Thursday, August 27th
In this seminar we will discuss how investment challenges of institutional investors are addressed within the Next Generation Vertical®, how co-investment can take place, how venture debt is leveraged, how stage gate funding is applied and the role of the program manager towards the investor.
In this webinar the technical side of the Verticals® will be discussed. How do the smart contracts work and how will this be implemented and how the tokens are categorized in the ITSA framework.
2Tokens in the media
Tokenization next steps - Online DCB Conferentie
Marleen Evertsz & Alex Bausch
Amsterdam, June 16th.
Token Finance
Olivier Rikken
Amsterdam, May 29th.
Clarifying the path to Tokenization
Marleen Evertsz
Amsterdam, April 7th.

Financing Hightech for a Sustainable Future
Next Generation Capital © 2019